10 Tornado Shelter Supplies You Need Now

When a tornado warning sounds, there’s not always much time to think or prepare. That’s why having a well-stocked tornado shelter is crucial for the safety and comfort of you and your family. Whether your shelter is a specially constructed below-ground area or a safe room within your building, being prepared with the right tornado shelter supplies can make all the difference during severe weather. At Forever Safe Shelters, we understand the importance of readiness, and we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist to help ensure you have everything you might need.
1. Water and Non-Perishable Food Are Essential Tornado Shelter Supplies
Start by stocking plenty of water. The general recommendation is one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days. This accounts for both drinking and sanitation. For food, focus on non-perishable items that require no cooking, refrigeration, or preparation. Examples include canned goods (don’t forget a can opener!), ready-to-eat cereals, energy bars, peanut butter, dried fruits, and nuts. Check expiration dates annually and rotate your stock to keep it fresh.
2. First Aid Kit and Medications
A well-equipped first aid kit should include bandages, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment, pain relievers, gauze pads, and scissors. Also, consider the specific needs of your family members, such as prescription medications, glasses, contact lens solutions, and asthma inhalers.
3. Clothing and Bedding
Keeping extra clothing in your tornado shelter can provide warmth, protection, and a sense of comfort in stressful situations. Include a change of clothes for each family member, emphasizing sturdy footwear and warm socks. Blankets or sleeping bags can help keep everyone warm, especially if the shelter is chilly.
4. Lighting and Power
Power outages are common during severe storms, so proper lighting in your shelter is essential. Due to fire risk, battery-operated flashlights and lanterns are safer than candles. Ensure you have extra batteries. Additionally, a battery-powered or hand-crank radio can keep you updated on weather alerts and news.
5. Personal Hygiene Items
When stocking your tornado shelter supplies, don’t forget to include essential hygiene products to ensure you stay clean and comfortable during a storm. Items like wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper are often overlooked but can make a big difference in maintaining personal hygiene.
6. Important Documents and Cash
Collect important documents such as insurance policies, identification papers, and medical records in a waterproof container or a secure digital backup. These critical documents can streamline post-disaster recovery efforts and ensure smooth communication with authorities and insurance providers. Additionally, don’t forget to stash some cash in your shelter. Having cash readily available can be a lifesaver in the event of a power outage or disruptions to banking services.
7. Tools and Safety Gear
When outfitting your home with essential tornado shelter supplies, having the right tools and safety gear can make all the difference. A multipurpose knife, safety goggles, and dust masks are good items to have if debris or dust enters the enclosed space.
8. Special Needs Items
Think about the special needs of children, seniors, or pets. Items like baby formula, diapers, pet food, and comfort items like toys or books can help keep everyone calm and comfortable.
9. Communication Devices
In addition to your cell phone, a backup battery pack or two is an important addition to your tornado shelter supplies. This device can keep your phones charged when the power is out, allowing you to communicate with emergency services and loved ones.
10. Entertainment and Morale Boosters
Don’t forget to include items that can help lift spirits and keep morale high during potentially stressful situations. Pack some board games, books, magazines, or cards to provide entertainment and distraction. Additionally, consider including comfort items like blankets, pillows, and favorite snacks to help make the experience more bearable. By incorporating these morale boosters into your tornado shelter supplies, you can at least feel more comfortable in this stressful situation.
Forever Safe Storm Shelters
Forever Safe Shelters offers innovative solutions designed to integrate seamlessly into your home without compromising comfort or space. Our shelters can be expertly constructed within your existing closet or garage, areas commonly underutilized for such purposes. This integration allows you to maximize the use of your living space while ensuring that your access to safety is both quick and unobstructed during emergencies. This approach not only enhances the functionality of common areas but also maintains the aesthetic and structural integrity of your property, ensuring peace of mind with minimal disruption to your daily life. Contact Forever Safe Shelters today.
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